About Galloway Legal
We’re here to help you win
About Lawyers In Melbourne
How we help you
We are here to serve you
At Galloway Legal, we provide you with a personalised experience, a legal experience tailored to your needs to ensure that you achieve the best possible outcome.
We understand you
Too often people feel like they are forgotten and ignored by their lawyer. The experience leaving people feeling underwhelmed, out of pocket, and unsure about whether the direction taken achieved the best possible outcome. At times, people’s experience with their lawyer is that they are not heard, that key information may have been missed, and that not all possibilities have been considered by their lawyer.
At Galloway Legal, we take the time to listen to you and understand your situation and circumstances. This ensures that we give you the tailored advice and service that suits your needs.
No surprise bills
Where possible we work with fixed fees and aim to charge only within the range of our fee estimates. We won’t charge you additional fees without first gaining your approval.
We fight for you
In the modern era, most solicitors’ brief barristers to appear in Court as their client’s advocates. While we understand the important role of barristers and still brief barristers where needed or when requested by our clients, when possible, we appear in Court as your advocates allowing you to save on costs. We are competent and able to appear in most jurisdictions across Australia. This includes for most procedural hearings and defended hearings. This allows you to save on the additional costs involved when briefing a barrister.
We work fast
When you are our client, we work to get things completed in timely manner and ensure that your matter is being progressed.
If you have a query, we boast speedy response times, ensuring that all queries received before 4pm are responded to on the same day, and guarantee that all missed calls and emails are responded as soon as possible and within 1 business day.
All queries are responded to by a lawyer, streamlining the process to getting you the advice that you need.
Do you need help?
Our initial consultations are free. We take the time to listen to your situation, provide some inital guidance and propose a path forward. If you need help with a legal situation or aren’t sure and have questions, book a consultation and speak with a lawyer today.
Helping you win your case
Meet your solicitor in Melbourne
Zac was admitted to practice law at the Supreme Court of Hobart in 2017, where he completed his qualifications and trainings to practice law. In Hobart, Zac obtained world class training as a lawyer and an advocate, regularly appearing before judges in both the Magistrates Court and Supreme Court of Hobart as part of his legal practice course.
Zac relocated to Melbourne in 2018 where he began his journey working in law where he has obtained experience in diverse areas of law including family law, civil litigation, wills and estates, criminal law, taxation, SMSF and employment law.
Zac is a competent and capable lawyer, able to draw from his vast and rich experience to provide advice across a whole variety of areas of law.
Given his training as a legal advocate, Zac can and does regularly appear in Court on behalf of his clients. The benefit being that clients do not have to pay additional legal fees to brief a barrister. Zac has appeared in multiple jurisdictions across Australia including:
- Hobart and Victorian Magistrates’ Courts;
- NSW Local Court;
- Hobart Supreme Court;
- Fair Work Commission;
- Federal Circuit Court and Family Court of Australia; and
- Federal Court of Australia.
In circumstances where barristers are required, Zac relies upon his network of legal practitioners to find a suitable barrister to brief to provide specialist advice and representation for his clients.
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